

1.(used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses) along or together with; as well as; in addition to; besides; also; moreover: pens and pencils.
2.added to; plus: 2 and 2 are 4.
3.then: He read for an hour and went to bed.
4.also, at the same time: to sleep and dream.
5.then again; repeatedly: He coughed and coughed.

1 *1…と…, …や…, …に…, …も…, および…
a young and beautiful girl
(1) 3つ以上の要素を結ぶ場合, andは最後の要素の前にのみ用い, その他の位置にはコンマを用いるのがふつう.
(2) 最後のandの前のコンマは入れるのが正式とされるが, *2では省くのがふつう.

2 *3…と…, そして
Three and seven make [makes, are, is] ten.

3 *4…しつつ, …しながら
walk and chew gum
They walked and talked. [=They walked talking. ]

4 *5そして, それから(and then)
He slept for an hour and went to work.
1時間ほど寝て, それから仕事に行った.

5 *6そうしたら, すると(thereby)
We rather expected him to be in a somber mood, and he was.
私たちは彼が落ちこんでいるのではないかと思っていたが, やはりそうだった
He listened again, and he no longer heard the rustling on the roof.
もう1度耳をすませてみたが, 屋根の上のさらさらいう音はもう聞こえなかった.

6 *7したがって, そこで, だから(so)
The well is empty, and when you let the bucket down, nothing comes up.
井戸はかれているのだから, バケツを下ろしても何も上がってこない
Someone had broken a windowpane, and it had to be replaced.

8 *8それなのに, しかし(however, although)
She was very careful, and the result was a complete failure.
彼女はとても気をつけていたのだけど, 結果は完全な失敗だった.

9 *9それも, しかも, そして
The Mohave is a big desert and a frightening one.
モハベは大砂漠, しかも恐ろしい砂漠だ

10 *10すなわち, つまり (that is to say, in other word)
This does not seem to be a realistic solution, and for the following reason.
これは現実的な解決策とは思えない, つまりそれは次の理由による.

11 *11じゃ…というわけですね
“She was not sick! You must have been misinformed. ” “And I sent you back to the house, all to no purpose. ”
「彼女は病気じゃなかったですよ. 誤報だったんじゃないですか」「それじゃ君を家に戻らせても, むだ骨だったわけですね」.

12 〔n, n〕 *12*13…つきの. ⇒HENDIADYS
bread and butter 〔brédnbtr〕
bacon and eggs

so that

so as to


However, reducing the magnetic microparticles in size leads to a decrease in the volume of the magnetic microparticles, resulting in a decrease in the thermal stability of magnetizations in the magnetic microparticles.












